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Are you ready to connect with other members and social workers throughout the state? Great! We’re looking for individuals who are passionate and share a desire to contribute to our Chapter in a meaningful way.
Connect With Social Workers in Your AreaThe NASW-Michigan Chapter is broken into 11 regions to help serve all members across the state. Find all of our regions and which counties each region covers. Click the links to visit the Facebook group pages for our individual regions.
WorkgroupsWe offer members the benefit of joining one of our special workgroups. These groups provide a great way for both new and experienced members of the profession to come together, network and discuss important topics related to a specific area of practice.
CommitteesWant to help shape the way social work looks for years to come? Then consider joining one of our various committees. From legislative action to ethical considerations, we want to work together for the sake of improving the field of social work for years to come. MyNASW Community ↦MyNASW is a virtual community where you can learn from peers, share your knowledge and grow your connections. Post questions and participate in discussions. Find colleagues using the member directory. Browse resources shared by NASW staff and other members. |